In this post, I will explain apparently in English due to the request of my friend who was a friend outside of Malaysia, Insha Allah, it is very easy to understand and I will explain as succinctly as possible
What is this all about?
This document has been produced to provide you with information to assist you on setting up your workstation.
This is essential for anyone classed as a ‘user’, that is anyone who
- Uses a computer for continuous spells of an hour or more
- Uses a computer daily
- Transfers info quickly
- Uses high levels of attention and concentration
- Is highly dependent on a computer
- Needs special training
What do I need to look at?
- The chair
- The desk
- The screen
- The keyboard
- The environment (space, lighting, reflection, glare, noise, temperature)
What kind of chair should I have?
Minimum requirements
- Should be stable (5 star base)
- Easy freedom of movement
- Seat adjustable in height
- Seat back adjustable in height and tilt
- Have a lumbar support
- Adjustable
- 5 star base
- Adjustable back support
- have an arm rest.
How should I sit in my chair?
- Sit as far back in the chair as possible
- There should be approx 5” (3 fingers) between the back of the knees and the front of the seat
- Adjust the chair height so that the feet are firmly on the floor (supporting 1/3rd of the body weight)
- Raise or lower the back of the chair so that the lumbar support fits into the small inward curve in the lower back
Do I need to sit perfectly upright?

No. Any of the postures below are ok,
just make sure the back is supported and the lumbar curve
is maintained…

- -Upright position
- -Reclined position
- -Forward tilted
- -Standing
What kind of desk should I have?
- Minimum requirements
- Sufficiently large, low reflective surface to allow flexible arrangement of screen, keyboard, documents and equipment
- Document holder if required
- Adequate space around the desk for you to find a comfortable position
Zone 1 should contain things you use all the time
Zone 2 should contain things you occasionally reach for
Zone 3 should contain things you hardly ever reach for
How high should my desk be?
- Adjustable height desks are expensive so most desks are fixed height. This is ok as long as you can adjust the chair
- With your shoulders relaxed and your forearms parallel to the ground your chair height should be adjusted so that your forearms hover just above your keyboard
- If your feet are not on the ground you will need a footrest
What is important about the screen?
- Characters should be well defined, of an adequate size and spacing
- Image should be stable with no flickering
- Brightness and contrast should be adjustable
- Should swivel and tilt freely and be height adjustable
- Should be free of reflective glare and reflections
- Height: Top of the screen should be at eye level (you may need an adjustable monitor holder).
- Distance: Screen should be arms length away.
Do I need a special keyboard?
- A number of ergonomic keyboards have been designed to reduce RSI and associated symptoms. None are proven
- The keyboard should be tiltable and separate from the screen (laptops are bad)
- There should be space in front of the keyboard to allow you to rest your arms
- The symbols should be legible
How about my environment?
- You should have sufficient space to change position and vary movements Lighting
- There should be an appropriate contrast between the screen and the background
- Limit the reflections and glare on the screen by positioning of the workstation perpendicular to direct light sources
- Windows should have blinds or other adjustable covering Noise Temperature and Humidity
- Should be kept at comfortable levels
So what would a perfect workstation set up look like?
If my feet are on the ground should I still get a footrest?
No. A footrest is only necessary if you cannot reach the ground once your chair height is properly adjusted.
Will working on a computer affect my eyesight?
There is no evidence that a computer screen per se adversely affects the eyes. However maintaining a fixed gaze for prolonged periods can cause the eye muscles to fatigue which has been linked to eye defects. This is the same as if you were reading for hours on end. To prevent this look up from your work every 10 minutes and focus on something in the distance for 10 seconds.
So I hope I will give some of idea regarding this info and try to relate it in your routine daily life.
Don't Try This at home....
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