The application of a high frequency oscillating field to the tissues via either a capacitor field method or an inductothermy method.
Application will be by pulsed electromagnetic energy.
Any heating effects are dissipated during the long intervals when the output is pulsed.
Frequency range: 27.12MHz +/- 160 KHz - most common range
Power range: Pulsed mode -acute 0-3 watts
-sub acute 2-5 watts
-chronic 5-40 watts
Application time: maximum 20 minutes
- implanted cardiac pacemakers
- advanced cardiovascular disease
- metal in the tissues
- the pregnant uterus
- the testes
- local areas of impaired peripheral circulation
- hemorrhaging tissue, or liable to do so
- scar tissue
- area previously treated with radiotherapy
- malignant tumors / neoplasm
- acute febrile illness
- deep venous thrombosis
- impaired thermal sensation
- subjects with reduced level of consciousness or impaired understanding
- some acute skin conditions e.g. eczema, dermatitis
- burns
- appropriate hand hygiene
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